Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Flavors.

My first theory goes like this: If you ask a hundred people if they like Cookie Dough ice cream, ninety nine of them will say yes. It's just so hard to find someone that doesn't like it. I don't know how they do it, but it's just unbelievable. On my next topic, Root Beer is either loved or disliked. No one just likes Root Beer, they love it. I'm a devout Root Beer fan, and anything with that flavor (ices, lollipop, etc.) I will get excited. My next thought is that frozen ices are disastrous in comparison to fresh ices. When you eat frozen ices, you constantly have to take those awkward bites that make you look like a retard because you don't want to get teeth freeze. They lose their flavor and you end up getting messy. They need to create ices where they don't get hard after being frozen. Anyways, to my next topic, which I'm sure I will have many people who disagree, is the cherry flavor. I hope to make it to Congress in the future just so I can accomplish my one goal: Ban cherry flavors of all kind. I don't understand how anyone can like cherry flavor anything. Although I don't agree with the "it tastes like medicine" idea, I think it is horrible. South Park summed it up when Randy said in response to a cherry Pop Tart, "Eww, cherry." It shouldn't be mixed in with our Jolly Ranchers, our ices, or any other candy. The only cherry anything we should have are cherry coke and real cherries.


  1. luigi's (or whatever brand that is that comes in the individual cups) somehow perfected your idea already and they're ices seriously just don't get hard and impossible.
    and cherry, along with any related red-fruit (strawberry for example) is the only tolerable flavor of ices in my opinion...
