Sunday, July 12, 2009

Facebook Whores.

It kills me to write about this, being that I have been involved for a little, but the Facebook whoring has got to stop. I am writing this because a friend has requested me to do so, but I agree with him on this manner. Facebook should be used for people to talk to someone who they recently met or for college kids to keep in touch. What it has become is a popularity contest for people who don't really have friends and need to feel good about themselves by being friends with everyone possible. Or, it could be for girls who put their profile picture up just so they can receive comments like "omg so pretty" even though half the times you want to tell them to be honest for once in their life. Or, it has become a place where people feel the need to share their every day activity with us. I'm sorry but we don't need to know that you're hungry or is bored at work (I got those ideas from checking my homepage; these statuses are real.) Of course commenting here and there on someone's wall that they miss them or to comment on a picture of a party that they went to is acceptable, but to a certain extent. I don't want to on my homepage people leaving videos on someone's wall saying that "they should hang out cuz I miss you. K bye." Stop ruining social networking. I'm not saying that any of us have anything to do in life, but at least don't waste it on complete bull shit. You're not special if someone comments on your status or if you have over a thousand friends. I have so much more to write about this, but it's long enough as it is. The whoring has got to stop! (Unless you're hot and put up pictures or you constantly write funny statuses)


  1. amen. same goes for the fifteen albums of 200 pictures taken with photobooth over a time period of about five minutes. LOOK AT ME!!! I'M IN BLACK AND WHITE!! AND NOW IN FOUR DIFFERENT COLORS!! and repeat with a minutely altered pose.
    seriously, must you post this to the world and clog my home page?

  2. Conpletely agree. Photobooth=200 pictures taken within 2 minutes and it's pointless. Amen.

  3. Wow very true; those pictures are the worst.

  4. thank you facebook for allowing not just 60 pictures of slightly altered pathetic poses (look! i can do the two fingers thing ON MY LEFT HAND NOW) but now 200 of these pictures in one album. awesome.

  5. i agree, girls who pose a million times with the peace sign and then post every single pic, should be shot.... people who say "ttyl" and "brb" in real life should also be shot but thats a different story
